Art Director

CAMP Holiday Marketing Campaign

Art Direction, Branding, Design, Illustration

Branding: Visual development for digital and print customer facing brand
Design: Execution, 360 style Print and Digital Promotional Marketing Materials
Illustrative Design: Integrate personality infused, hand illustrated elements into branding package

Project Duration: 3 weeks

We got ourselves a CAMP holiday campaign that needs a fun, cheeky, and flexible branding package that can be used for anything and everything. We need some modern nostalgia, which is part of the CAMP brand, and the theme is:


CAMP is a retail-experiential children’s store that hosts and builds small scale experiential shows in each of its stores as well as sells (excellent) children’s toys in its retail section. It specializes in silliness and magic.

Creative Director: Kirk Larson Photographer: Hope Glassel Copyright CAMP, 2023

Artboard 3.png